Get Back On the Field

Dear Partner,

“…We’re going to keep the celebration going because we know how it’s going to turn out. Through your faithful prayers and the generous response of the Spirit of Jesus Christ, everything He wants to do in and through us will be done.
(Phil.1:18b-19 – Message)

On New Years Day, 1929, Georgia Tech was playing California. Late in the second quarter, Roy Riegels recovered a fumble for California, and in his excitement became confused and began running in the wrong direction! After racing 65 yards he was finally tackled by his own player at the California 2 yard line. California attempted to punt from deep in their own end zone, but the kick was blocked and Georgia Tech scored a safety. In the locker room at half time, Roy Riegels sat in the corner with his face buried in his hands, crying. The room was silent. The Coach didn’t make his usual half-time speech, but shortly before the team was to take the field for the second half, he said, “The starting team is going back onto the field to begin the second half.” The whole team left the locker room — except for Riegels – who remained in the corner with his face in hands. “I can’t do it, Coach,” he said. “I can’t play. I’ve ruined the team.” The coach said, “Get up, Riegels – the game is only half over. You belong on the field.”

In every service, the Holy Spirit is helping people get “back on the field.” Although life has tried to “bench them,” thank God there is Good News that sets free anyone who puts faith in it. Our hope does not come from this world, but from our Lord Jesus Christ, who defeated death, hell and the grave and is forever Lord of all! We must continue to tell people everywhere we go the Gospel message that Jesus was born, died, and rose again for the sin of the world. At the same time we are praying for Christians around the world to wake up and take their place in God’s great plan. We each have a job to do, and, thank God, we are not alone – we are all working together!

This Christmas and in the coming New Year, let’s commit ourselves anew, laying everything down at His feet, and acknowledging His will as the final word in every area of our lives. Continue to pray for the rain of His Spirit on the Church and in the world. God hears and answers when we pray. It is a season to be renewed, refreshed and restored in all that God has promised!

Oh, how we thank you for partnering with us! After over 36 years of ministry and over a million miles travelled in the United States and around the world, we’ve seen countless numbers of precious souls come to Christ, believers being spirit-filled, and churches and Pastors being strengthened to finish their course. We are so aware of what you have done to make these things happen – we could never have done it without you. All of us, together, really have become a “Band of Believers!” Glory to God!

Celebrating Jesus as Lord of All!

— Cindy, Lois and Ray