Meet the Author

(Below is written about the author of CALLED TOGETHER, a favorite of Pastors and church members… To order Called Together go to… )


It is an honor to introduce my most loyal friend and co- worker in the faith, Lois Taucher. She, her husband Ray, and I, have served in ministry together as Shekinah Glory since 1978, more than three decades at this writing. Lois’ gifts as a teacher, preacher, vocalist, songwriter, and evangelist continually bring people from darkness into God’s light and impart strength to the body of Christ.

Lois attributes her love for Christ and the church to her mother, who kept her and all of her siblings in church while they were living at home. The Father’s gifting and calling on Lois’ life became evident at the early age of nine, when she made Jesus the Lord of her life. As a young Southern Baptist, she experienced the fire of God and an aggressive and expressive faith. This early foundation thrust Lois into the Jesus Movement, and as a “Jesus hippie” she preached the message, “Turn or burn!”

Looking back Lois says, “I always knew I had a home in Heaven, but I never knew Heaven had a home in me.” Because of this lack of understanding, the years that followed brought much heartache. She became a backslidden Christian, working in a nightclub. Even then, however, two things still remained in her heart: the fire of God and the passion to know Him.

I saw Lois for the first time in 1976. I had just returned from a USO tour and had been booked as a featured artist at a famous supper club in Nashville, Tennessee. Although I had a Jewish heritage, I was a backslidden Southern Baptist who had recently rededicated my life to the Lord. (Someday I’ll write a book!) I walked into the club and saw nineteen-year-old Lois, serving drinks and cashiering. I passed her on my way to my dressing room and heard myself saying, “Lord, You have something for us to do.”

The other waitresses told Lois that I had “gotten religion,” and Lois said, “Well, I can handle religion.” One evening she came into my dressing room and we began to talk. Out of the blue she said, “I don’t like people who say praise the Lord, and I like to smoke.”

I just said, “Okay.” She was surprised I didn’t jump on her. Later I heard she could sing, and I asked her to come up and sing with me. We had a great blend and started singing together regularly. Eventually, I asked her to church, and we sang together at church. We were two formerly backslidden believers trying to find our way in what God had called us to do.

After we had both moved to Tulsa, Oklahoma, my hometown, we met Ray at a radio telethon. He heard us sing and asked God if he could play guitar for us. We didn’t know this, but that week we called Ray and asked him to come hear us sing at Grace Fellowship (now Grace Church). He came to hear us, and we have been singing and ministering together ever since. In 1989, after twelve years of ministry together, Ray and Lois married.

In 1980 we all graduated from Rhema Bible Training Center in Tulsa. Lois credits much of her spiritual growth to the teaching and instruction she received from Brother Kenneth E. Hagin, especially on our authority as believers, as well as the other teachers there. It was there she learned that Heaven had a home in her. The revelation of who she was in Christ brought forth the inner joy, peace, and stability she had always longed for in her walk with the Lord.

In our early years together we read through the book of Acts and saw how Paul went from place to place strengthening the local churches. We knew that was what God had called us to do. Then, the day after the September 11, 2001, attacks on the United States, God spoke clearly to Lois, “Build My Church.” The teaching contained in this book is what God put in her heart, what she has taught and preached and lived in front of me through our years together.

Today Lois continues to move forward with the same passion for all God wants to do in her and through her. She lives God’s Strategic Plan for Today, which are the words of Jesus to Peter in Matthew 16:18: “I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.”

To introduce such a woman of integrity, honesty, and a love for Jesus Christ and the local church to you is a privilege and a joy.

—Cindy Duvall President and Founder Shekinah Glory Ministries