April 2019 Partner Letter
Dear Partner,
Shekinah Glory is returning to Europe – June 2019!!
As I write this, we are in the middle of making plans for our 2019 European trip. It is coming together quickly and we are aware of the importance of moving with God at this strategic hour. Among other things, we will be a part of the dedication of new churches and an outdoor evangelistic rally – Glory!
Our first European trip was in 1989. What a word of faith was spoken when T.L. Osborn looked at us and said, “Every move of God has songs that help facilitate that move. You have the songs for France”! Many times, we would open our mail and find a personal letter and offering from him, pleading with us to not forget France. For the last 30-plus years, supernatural doors have opened to us in ways we could not have planned.
By invitation of the City of Paris, we sang during the World Cup in Paris, France. Our venues were the Eiffel Tower and the Cathedral of Notre Dame! Every place you looked, the landscape was filled with people from over 60 nations. It was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that only God could have orchestrated! By invitation of the Head Priest of the the Catholic Church of Monaco, we have ministered twice in the chapel of the Royal Cathedral of Monaco. After the traditional mass, the priest then openly invited and promoted the acceptance of our service! It was tremendous!
We have opened city-wide fashion shows in Carpentras, France. As an artist painted a portrait behind us, we sang the gospel at a purely secular event attended by people from all over the city.
Through our conference in Paris, with the theme, “Strengthen the Church, Reach The World”, we brought for the first time ever to France, Kenneth E. and Lynette Hagin. Many came from throughout Europe to hear in person the Hagin ministry. It was a ground-breaking event! Many others, such as Rick Renner, Mark Hankins, Mike Hankins, David Shearin and Mark Brazee were also introduced to France at our conference.
Our expectation is in God for a continuation of doing above and beyond what we could ask or think! Thank you for making this and all we do possible. Together, we live, move and breathe with our hand to the plow! We love you!
For the Sake of the Gospel,
Cindy, Lois and Ray
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