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About Shekinah Glory Ministries

Shekinah Glory MinistriesGod is using Shekinah Glory to bring revival and demonstrations of the Holy Spirit wherever they go. Many lives have been saved, healed and set free during their 44 years of ministry. As they have taken the gospel around the world, their ministry has transcended denominational walls and language barriers. Their greatest desire is to reveal redemption to the world with the healing power of God.

Shekinah Glory is a unique ministry team set in the church to stir up and strengthen believers in their understanding of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Having joined together in 1978, Cindy Duvall and Ray and Lois Taucher continue to be obedient to their heavenly commission.

What once began in Cindy’s heart at the age of five is today’s Shekinah Glory. After a lifetime of secular entertaining, opportunities to record on major record labels and appearances on major television network shows, Cindy rededicated her life to Jesus. Emerging from a backslidden state, as a Southern Baptist Jew, Cindy began to grow in her identity as a new creation in Christ Jesus. After meeting Lois and later, Ray – the forming of Shekinah Glory Ministries became a reality.

From the power of their gospel revelation, a dedication joined the team’s hearts together in ministry. Upon graduation from RHEMA Bible Training Center in 1980, this purpose was further strengthened.

As a traveling ministry, Shekinah Glory has made their main focus the strengthening of the local church, which they believe to be the most effective way of reaching the world with the gospel of Jesus Christ. The result is ‚’fruit that remains’ as they effectively inspire a life of faith in believers and reach out to sinners with God’s Hand of grace.

God has taken Cindy, Ray and Lois and their team into 18 nations around the world with a ministry grounded in faith and love, released in power and demonstration of the Holy Spirit. Radio and satellite stations all around the world broadcast their message in music.

God has given Shekinah Glory a significant voice in the French-speaking nations. Their music, teaching and preaching cds have been translated into French. They co-hosted an annual minister’s conference in the South of France for 13 years. Since 2006 they have hosted an annual minister’s conference in Paris. The team has ministered in the Royal Cathedral Chapel of Monaco, and held outdoor concerts at the Eiffel Tower and the Cathedral of Notre Dame during the World Cup Soccer finals in Paris, France. They have also recorded television shows for the French-speaking TBN channel.

The team considers it an honor to have ministered both at home and abroad with Pastor, Bob Yandian, as well as with many other established leaders in the faith.

Shekinah Glory regards it a privilege to be God’s ambassadors. They fan the flame of revival in the lives and ministries of local congregations, setting hearts on fire to become all that God has called them to be. Many miracles confirm the power of the Gospel as burdens are removed, chains broken, the sick are healed and the captives set free!

One pastor said, “They don’t just teach, they don’t just sing – they change your life forever because they impart.

From Our Peers

rick-denise-renner4“If you are looking for a move of the Holy Spirit and an experience with the glory of God in your church or ministry, I highly recommend the ministry of Shekinah Glory. Denise and I have known this ministry since the early ’80’s and have counted them as friends. We have always appreciated their spirit, their integrity, their passion, and the excellence with which they bring the Word of the Lord. Not only have they ministered with us in the U.S. but have regularly ministered for our congregations in the former USSR with amazing, terrific results. We give them our highest endorsement!”

Pastors Rick and Denise Renner
Good News Church
Moscow, Russia

hankins3“Trina and I have known and ministered with Shekinah Glory since the early ’80’s. They are an anointed group full of faith and full of the Holy Ghost. They carry the glory and presence of God wherever they go.”

Pastors Mark and Trina Hankins
Christian Worship Center
Alexandria, LA

yandian-02“Cindy Duvall and Ray and Lois Taucher (Shekinah Glory) faithfully attended Grace Church from 1980 – 2009. When they were not on the road ministering, they were in church. They have ministered at Grace many times and also faithful with their tithes.

They have been capable ministers for many years in song and in the Word of God, conveying the anointing of God for instruction and healing.

I have personally ministered with them in many areas of the United States as well as overseas. All three are strong in their sincerity to minister to others and in moral conduct.  I recommend them highly to minister to your people.”

Pastors Bob and Loretta Yandian
Grace Church
Tulsa, OK

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