Dear Partner, Recently, I received a very gracious request and invitation from Mrs. Lynette Hagin to receive the offering during the opening session of ‘Kindle The Flame’, her annual ladies’ conference held on the Rhema campus. As I began to consider what I might say to the ladies there, I could not help but think of early years in ministry, and the importance of the Word of God and the move of the Holy Spirit… read more →
Dear Partner, “What is impossible with men is possible with God.” (Luke 18:27) On August 11, 1927, Smith Wigglesworth preached on the preparation for the second coming of the Lord. He challenged the hearers with a word that is still speaking today. As we see the ‘signs of the times’, it would be good for us to consider his message … “I am conscious today that God has a design for us greater than our… read more →
Dear Partner, There was a popular song several years ago, which said “All You Need Is Love”. That’s a nice sentiment, but the Word of God tells us there are, in fact, three things that endure: Faith, Hope, and Love. (1 Cor. 13:13). The writer of Hebrews says this: “Now we have this hope as a sure and steadfast anchor of the soul [it cannot slip and it cannot break down under whoever steps out… read more →
Dear Partner: In light of recent changes in our society, some wonder about the next generation. Remember, although man’s laws may change, God’s word never does. His presence brings swift, sweeping change, no matter how strong the laws – as Pharaoh learned when 400 years of slavery was undone in one day. God knows how to deliver His people from bondage! In light of all of this, we wanted to share with you this testimony… read more →
Dear Partner, “Every time we think of you, we give thanks to our God ….for you have been our partners in spreading the Good News about Christ…” (Phil. 1:3,5) Have you ever been to Brazil? Well, because of your partnership with Shekinah Glory, you most certainly have! Glory to God! Here is a wonderful testimony we just received from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. ‘…My husband and I are senior pastors of a church in Rio… read more →
Dear Partner, …”I haven’t felt the Spirit of the Lord in years. I was born and raised in the church, but I’ve lived a hard life & I haven’t felt the power of God in years. My mother actually strong-armed me into coming here tonight. It’s like what I felt when I was a kid! The message touched my soul – It’s new to me again!” Those were the words of a man in his… read more →
As I travel around the world, one thing is very clear: people are confused. I hear, “I wish I could figure out what God is up to. This world is in chaos.” I understand how easy it is to get confused if you don’t know what the Word of God says about the time in which we are living. Make no mistake, God is still working in and through His church. The world may appear… read more →
(Below is written about the author of CALLED TOGETHER, a favorite of Pastors and church members… To order Called Together go to… ) MEET THE AUTHOR— BY CINDY DUVALL It is an honor to introduce my most loyal friend and co- worker in the faith, Lois Taucher. She, her husband Ray, and I, have served in ministry together as Shekinah Glory since 1978, more than three decades at this writing. Lois’ gifts as a… read more →
Dear Partner and friend, It is glorious seeing the young and the older generation both playing a part in the move of God today! As the scripture promises … “In the last days, God says, ‘I will pour out my Spirit upon all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy. Your young men will see visions, and your old men will dream dreams. In those days I will pour out my Spirit…’” (Acts 2:17) During… read more →
Dear Partner,’…Let us run with patient endurance and steady and active persistence the appointed course of the race that is set before us.’ (Heb 12:1) The poem below tells the story of a young boy competing in a race – but he has fallen several times. Each time, his dad urged him to get back and finish the race. This month, we wanted to share this with you and pray you are strengthened to be a… read more →