Dear Partner,’…Let us run with patient endurance and steady and active persistence the appointed course of the race that is set before us.’ (Heb 12:1)
The poem below tells the story of a young boy competing in a race – but he has fallen several times. Each time, his dad urged him to get back and finish the race. This month, we wanted to share this with you and pray you are strengthened to be a finisher in all God has told you to do. It’s never too late to have a strong finish – because Jesus is Lord …of All!
The Race
“Quit, give up, you’re beaten: – they shout and plead
“There’s just too much against you – this time you can’t succeed.”
I’ve lost – so what”, he thought, “I’ll live with my disgrace.”
“But then he thought about his dad whom soon he’d have to face
“Get up” – the echo sounded low, “Get up and win the race.”
With borrowed will, “Get up” it said, “You haven’t lost at all –
For winning is no more than this – To rise each time you fall!”
So up he rose to run once more and with a new commit
He resolved, that – win or lose – at least he shouldn’t quit
Three times he’d fallen, stumbling – three times he’d rose again
Too far behind to hope to win, he still ran to the end
They cheered the winning runner as he crossed the line – first place
Head high and proud and happy – No falling, no disgrace.
But when the fallen youngster crossed the line, last place,
The crowd gave him the greater cheer for finishing the race!
And even though he came in last with head bent low, unproud
You would have thought he’d won the race to listen to the crowd
And to his dad, he sadly said, “I didn’t do too well”
To me, you won”, his father said – “You rose each time you fell.” (Anonymous)
Remember, the secret to finishing is not in never failing – it’s never failing to get back up! “Endings are better than beginnings. Sticking to it is better than standing out.” (Ecc. 7:8)
“…Run to Win …Run hard for the finish line. …Giving it everything you’ve got.” (1 Cor 9:24,26)
In 2015, we are committed to run with our eyes on Jesus – The Author – And FINISHER – of our faith. Thank you, dear partner, for running with us – Glory!
Serving Together,
Cindy, Lois, and Ray
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