July Partner Letter
Dear Partner:
In light of recent changes in our society, some wonder about the next generation. Remember, although man’s laws may change, God’s word never does. His presence brings swift, sweeping change, no matter how strong the laws – as Pharaoh learned when 400 years of slavery was undone in one day. God knows how to deliver His people from bondage!
In light of all of this, we wanted to share with you this testimony from a Pastor’s daughter we have known all her life. Today, she is a Rhema Graduate and she and her husband are the youth pastors at her father’s church.
“I want to thank you all for the deposits you’ve sown into our lives over the years, but especially in more recent years! We are just beginning to see the fruit of it! You are such blessings to us! We’re seeing the answers to prayers my husband and I have been praying over the youth group since we became youth pastors in Spring 2014. We’ve been teaching the Word, teaching them about revival and the history of revivals…. But, I am fully aware that things clicked in them when you were at our church. And this past weekend, we saw the beginning of prayers for the group being answered! There was a mighty move! The kids came to the altar during worship on their own! I couldn’t help but cry seeing that all this time God has been working and moving behind the scenes on their hearts! And my husband stepped up and out! He ministered to the teens by unction of the Holy Spirit! We had some teens questioning God’s existence, dealing with hating God, allowing the reasoning of the world to challenge their foundation, teens dealing with cutting and depression. But a change has taken place! The teens are so on fire!!! Thank you for taking every moment you had to speak into my life, to encourage, correct, teach, and deposit! I know I am where I am today because of people like you being faithful vessels for God! This was a lot longer than I intended, but my heart is so full… I’m sitting here listening to your music and just wanted to thank you! I love you dearly!”
Jesus is coming soon!
Cindy, Lois and Ray
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