June Partner Letter 2016
Dear Partner,
This month, I wanted to share with you something I was inspired by from my daily devotional book by Dick Mills. The Word of God speaks so clearly – and cannot be changed. The unchanging Truth will anchor your life through changing times and seasons!
…”But the people who know their God shall prove themselves strong and shall stand firm and do exploits [for God].” (Dan. 11:32)
This verse was written during a time of great stress, against a backdrop of evil, wicked events designed to bring pressure and turmoil. It is not speaking of a time of peace, prosperity and plenty – but – it is a promise that shows us how to survive in a climate of international tension, economic upheaval and spiritual change. (God’s word is truly up-to-date, isn’t it?)
This word from the Lord tells us that persecution of Christians will result in greater knowledge (“they shall know their God”), greater strength (“they shall be strong”), and greater miracles (“they shall carry out great exploits”). The more difficult the days, the greater God’s power will be demonstrated!
In times of great opposition to the Church of the living God, the world becomes a combat zone between God and Satan. But, where sin abounds, grace abounds even more! (Rom. 5:20) The greater the darkness, the greater the light!
The Church of Jesus Christ is not getter weaker and weaker as the end time approaches; it is getting stronger and stronger. We believers are going out in a blaze of glory!
God’s promise brings supernatural exploits that undo the rule of evil. We are thrilled, fearless and faithful as we stand on the promises of God!
Thank you for your partnership – We have a great God who has given us great Grace for this hour!
Forever Grateful,
Cindy, Lois and Ray
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