September 2019 Partner Letter
Dear Partner,
I want to share with you a scripture that is instrumental in my life. It is a powerful truth that speaks to me, no matter what the situation I’m in.
….”being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ.” (Phil. 1:6)
…”God never began a work He did not finish. His work for us is finished. His work in us is still going on.” (Lovett)
Being confident – …This is strong language. It means to be fully and firmly persuaded or convinced. It means here that Paul was entirely convinced of the truth he said. It is the language of a man who had no doubt on the subject. It was on the fact that it was begun by God that he based his firm conviction that it would be permanent. Had it been the agency of man, he would have had no such conviction, for nothing that man does today can lay the foundation of a certain conviction that he will do the same thing to-morrow. If the perseverance of the Christian depended wholly on himself, therefore, there could be no sure evidence that he would ever reach heaven.
…”Will perform it or, finish it”. The Greek word means that He would carry it forward to completion; He would perfect it. It is an intensive form of the word, meaning that it would be carried through to the end. …It means that God would carry on the work which He had begun to completion. He would not leave it unfinished. It would not be commenced, and then abandoned, because He has no power to complete it, or because there are more enemies to be overcome than He had supposed, or because there are difficulties which He did not foresee, or because it is not desirable that the work should be completed. Why, then, should he abandon it? God abandons nothing that He undertakes. There are no unfinished worlds or systems; no half-made and forsaken works of His hands. There is no evidence in His works of creation of change of plan or of having forsaken what He began from disgust, disappointment, or want of power to complete them. (Barnes NT Notes)
Today, no matter where you are in life; just beginning, in the middle of something or close to the finish line – Be confident in God! Remember He has promised to finish the good work that He has begun – in you!
Whew!!!! What a life we live! It will be worth it all when we see Jesus! God bless you for all the good things you do that make a difference for His kingdom!
We love you all so very much,
Cindy, Lois & Ray
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